Many consumers borrow money to pay for college, but student loans can create a lifetime of debt. If you’ve contacted your student loan servicer for help, but you’re still struggling to make payments, a student loan attorney may be able to help.
Robert Stiberman is a top rated Student Loan lawyer serving Palm Beach County. His law firm, Stiberman Law, is comprised of a team of experienced student loan attorneys with a proven track record of working in the law industry.
Regardless of the status of your student loans, our Palm Beach student loan attorneys can help explore your accounts to determine what options are available under your circumstances.
No matter how difficult your situation may be, Stiberman Law has the resources and experience to manage your case.
If you’re struggling with student loan debt, take the next steps toward achieving financial freedom. Get started with a free and confidential consultation.
We Can Help You To
Unsure how to repay your student loans? Let us help you evaluate your options today. Build a strategy. Make your payments. Lower your interest rates. Call Us Today!
If you need competent legal representation to relieve the overwhelming pressure of student loan debt, contact us now.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Choose Stiberman Law?
22+ Years Of Experience
Free Initial Consultation
100+ 5 Star Reviews
Stiberman Law Firm
We represent clients in Palm Beach County And The Surrounding Area.
From our office in West Palm Beach (Palm Beach, Fl), we represent clients in Atlantis, Belle Glade, Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Canal Point, Delray Beach, Greenacres, Haverhill, Highland Beach, Hypoluxo, Juno Beach, Jupiter, Lake Clarke Shores, Lake Harbor, Lake Park, Lake Worth, Lantana, Loxahatchee, Mangonia Park, North Palm Beach, Ocean Ridge, Pahokee, Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach Shores, Palm Springs, Riviera Beach, Royal Palm Beach, South Bay, South Palm Beach, Tequesta, Wellington and West Palm Beach.
Contact Us Now
It’s time to take care of your debt and live a life of freedom. Get started now
During your case evaluation with us, we will discuss the options available to you and advise you on next steps to take.
Meet Robert Stiberman
As the top debt negotiator in Palm Beach, Robert A. Stiberman takes a humane approach to debt relief. He is passionate about helping people overcome debt as quickly as possible and in the best way possible.
Speaking to our law firm is always 100% confidential. We do our best to respond to inquiries in under 24 hours.
We’ll get in touch as soon as possible.